I am a second year Ph.D student in the Department of Computer Science of University of Tokyo, in Laboratory of Sequence Analysis under the supervision of Prof. Tetsuo Shibuya.
I received my BS and Ms in Computer Engineering, where I focused on Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning.
curriculum vitae
google scholar
- Data Engineer Intern, Apple Japan, Tokyo Nov. 2019 ~
- Research Assistant, University of Tokyo, Department of Computer Science Dec. 2019 ~
- Google Summer of Code, Julia Programming Language June-August 2019
- NLP Researcher, Koc University, Istanbul June 2018 - September 2019
- Akdemir, Arda. “Research on Task Discovery for Transfer Learning in Deep Neural Networks.” Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Student Research Workshop. 2020. link
- Akdemir, Arda, Tetsuo Shibuya, and Tunga Güngör. “Hierarchical Multi Task Learning with Subword Contextual Embeddings for Languages with Rich Morphology.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.12247 (2020). link
- Zhang, Yao-zhong, et al. “Nanopore base-calling from a perspective of instance segmentation.” bioRxiv (2019): 694919. link
- Akdemir A., Güngör T. (2019) A Detailed Analysis and Improvement of Feature-Based Named Entity Recognition for Turkish. In: Salah A., Karpov A., Potapova R. (eds) Speech and Computer. SPECOM 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11658. Springer, Cham link
- Akdemir, Arda, et al. “Towards generalizable place name recognition systems: analysis and enhancement of NER systems on English News from India.” Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval. ACM, 2018. link
- Akdemir, Arda, and Tunga Güngör. “Joint Learning of Named Entity Recognition and Dependency Parsing using Separate Datasets.” link
- Introduction to Markov Chains (in Turkish), Asst.Prof.Dr. Umit Islak, M.Sc. Arda Akdemir - to be published
- ACL 2020, Virtual Conference, 2020 - Long Oral Presentation
- 21st SPECOM Conference, Turkey 2019 - Long Oral Presentation
- 27th ISMB/ECCB Conference, Switzerland 2019 - Poster Presentation
- 20th CICLing Conference, France 2019 - Poster Presentation
- 12th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval GIR’18 at ACM SIGSPATIAL 2018 - Long Oral Presentation
- Istanbul Mathematical Sciences Center, Probability Days Conference 2018 - Oral Presentation
- BYOYO Workshop, 2018 - Volunteer
- ProtestNews Lab in CLEF 2019 - Organizing Committee Member
- Informatics in Biology, Medicine and Pharmacology IIBMP, 2019 - Participant
- WINTER FESTA Episode 5 - Hitotsubashi University, 2019 - Presentor (Short Talk and Poster)
Honors & Awards
- Best Graduation Project Award in Computer Engineering Project Title : Adaptive Tuning of Chess Evaluation Function by Using Genetic Algorithms. link
- First Prize in Upper Level Japanese Speech Contest organized by Japanese Embassy in 2018 日本語弁論大会優勝者
- MEXT Scholarship Recipient University of Tokyo - 1 of 10 recipients from Turkey (2018 - )
- JASSO Scholarship Recipient Osaka University (2015-2016)
- Japanese: Advanced (N1 141/180)
- English: Advanced (Toefl 113/120)
- Turkish: Native
Arda Akdemir
Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of IST
University of Tokyo
Human Genome Center
4-6-1, Shirokanedai, Minato-ku
Tokyo 108-8639
Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of IST
University of Tokyo
Human Genome Center
4-6-1, Shirokanedai, Minato-ku
Tokyo 108-8639
Phone: +81 080-8718-2650
Phone: +81 080-8718-2650